• Web-based all-in-one software - No software installation needed. Create, Distribute, Validate, and Analyze all in one place

  • Offer exciting and valuable experiences to your audience easily creating the most engaging interactive digital campaigns in minutes with Coupon, Voucher, Loyalty Card and Directory builders

  • Completely customize professional mobile responsive templates to your branding for increased visibility

  • Optimize customer experiences via odds controlled gamified methods: Scratch & Win, Spin & Win, Slot Machine, Memory Game, Match2Win, Slide Puzzle, and Catch Game!

  • Create a user friendly, password protected, fully customizable secure Directory Catalog with categories, maps integration, and search functionality for all your digital deals, discounts, offers, specials, or other creative campaigns.

  • Create different types of stamp, point, voucher, and reward cards for your loyal customers

  • Multiple cross-media distribution methods through your preferred channel: Email, SMS, Social media, In app, Websites, PopUps, Landing Pages, Directory Catalog, QR codes, WiFi networks, NFC tags, and Beacons

  • Capture accurate customer data by adding claim requirements such as user registration, social media share, app installation, or payment integration to your campaign before users can access your offer

  • Allow users options to save your campaign to their email, sms or their mobile wallet

  • Securely validate via widget app, QR code, password, unique barcode, physical stamp, or API

  • Collect and consult an advanced statistics dashboard about customer and campaign that gathers location actionable insights into the open, claim, and redemption rate and provides a detailed overview of the generated turnover and the money spent value to fine tune future remarketing campaigns.

  • Use remarketing pixels and push notifications to convert your customers and prospects faster

  • Relevant popup and video tutorial resources within the platform to help answer all your questions